Friday, August 04, 2006


i have nothing
but pain

painfull memories
painfull thoughts
painfull days
and nights

where does the pain
come from?

it comes from
the delay this afternoon
from the desperation
i felt yesterday
when i saw
someone walking away
from me

you can`t feel sad
only because someone
does that
but the feeling comes
when you think that
you deserved
something else

what do i deserve?
i deserve
some smiles
some caress
i deserve the kind of person
who is always willing to
be with me
in the darkest hours
in the funny hours
in the lost hour

not the kind of person
who is with me
only one day a week
only a few hours a day

that`s what i have now
but that`s not
what i`d wish
i enjoy certain company
i don`t enjoy it
when she has to go

so,what to do?
i can wait for long time
i can pick another choice
or simply
i can get in the bed
and sleep
until i awake
from this nightmare

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